
Iron man 2 villain
Iron man 2 villain

Whiplash (Mickey Rourke) starts off as a formidable villain, but during the final fight he’s utterly generic and none of his issues are resolved. It’s a little bit that, and a little bit third-act narrative choices.

iron man 2 villain

Could this be why it consistently rates in the bottom three of most MCU rankings? And it’s more than a little subversive, with Tony coming off as a real-world James Bond type whose ego and carousing actually have real-world, nasty consequences. (Whiplash, for example, was the first supervillain to be re-conceived with metal teeth and prison tats.) It leans the hardest into Tony Stark’s alcoholism and narcissism – an alternate intro opens on him vomiting into a toilet. I suspect it actually gave the DC movies some ideas. Indeed, tonally it’s not just the most “DC” installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I have some ideas, but I really need to sit down with Downey and the Marvel guys before we say much more." And when asked about the chances of Obadiah Stane returning ( SPOILER ALERT) despite his apparent death at the end of the first film, Favreau quipped, "Stane's death? Do characters ever really die in Marvel? Isn't it like a soap opera?" When asked about this report that claimed the Hulk might pop up in Iron Man 2 (just as Tony Stark did in The Incredible Hulk), Favreau replied, "There are no plans to do so.Paramount’s Iron Man 2 is not a movie Disney or Marvel would likely make today. I am curious to see how he has been treated in his latest books and how that might influence our direction." He also said, "I've already mentioned War Machine and Mandarin. In the tech based modern world that we created for ( Iron Man), a Fu Manchu style villain with magical/alien tech rings would seem out of place." Favreau added, "There were early drafts of ( Iron Man) where the Mandarin was the main villain, so we've already explored the character to some extent. It's true that I am apprehensive about how he is to be presented. In a posting at his MySpace blog, Favreau revealed that "The Mandarin is Iron Man's nemesis and will be incorporated in the sequel.

Iron man 2 villain